As if we haven’t gotten enough information from you, we want
more! We are in the process of
finalizing the moveDC plan. Throughout
the document we want to incorporate people-specific questions about moveDC with
short answers. This is where we need YOU. We need your questions about what can
moveDC do for you.
For example:
I’ve lived in
DC my whole life. I grew up and went to school here, I work here, shop here and
my family is here. How does moveDC help me stay here?
I deliver
fresh foods to stores and restaurants all over the District every day. I have
to double-park and circle looking for parking. I get stuck in traffic
constantly. What’s in moveDC for me?
I ride a bike
for everyday trips and to stay in shape. The city has made a lot of progress in
the last few years to make it easier and safer to bike. How does moveDC retain
that momentum?
To be featured in the final plan document, send us your questions via Twitter, Facebook, Email, or comment on this blog post. If your question is selected, you’ll be
identified by either your twitter handle or first name and initial for your
last name.
Thank you for your involvement in the moveDC Transportation Plan.
Whether you attended one of our public workshops, served on the Transportation
Plan Advisory Committee, participated in online surveys or provided feedback
via the website, we appreciate your voice in this process.
moveDC is your plan!
moveDC is your plan!