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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What's Next for moveDC?

First and foremost, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) would like to thank the thousands of people who participated in the planning process—in meetings and workshops, through social media, surveys, webinars, emails, and countless casual conversations. Your suggestions, critical thinking, comments, inspiring ideas, and concerns contributed significantly to the plan’s development. We are grateful for the time you have given to planning Our Transportation Future.
Its been a busy year of planning, but we’re not quite done yet. In the early spring of 2014, we’ll release the draft plan for you to read and provide comments on. We’ll then finalize the plan and start taking follow-up actions—programming, studies, and design—to move priority elements forward.
While we’d like to be able to move the entire plan forward at once, we will approach implementation in phases and over time, correlating with the constraints of funding and the need for change.
We hope that you will continue to participate in dialogue about the future of transportation in the District and will stay with us as we wrap up the moveDC process and transition into implementation. We are planning a closing dialogue on the plan and will continue to communicate with you as we have, via email, social media, and other outlets. See you soon.

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